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Manage photos and videos with Windows Photos app

2024-06-08 11:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Photos app provides you the ability to connect to OneDrive and access all the media located in OneDrive from the Photos app. To enable this functionality, you must Sign In/connect to OneDrive account from the Photos app.

Connect to OneDrive from the Photos app:

Open Photos app by typing Photos in the start menu.

Go to OneDrive tab in the left navigation bar.

Select the Sign in button to sign in to your OneDrive account. Provide the app permissions to access your info.

Note: You can control whether OneDrive is connected to the Photos app under the Photos app’s settings. 

Upload the photos and videos from mobile to OneDrive automatically:

One of the simplest ways to copy all your photos and videos to one place in the Photos app is to set up automatic upload to OneDrive of Photos from your mobile device. 

Ensure that you're connected to OneDrive on the Windows Photos app. This allows OneDrive content to sync to the Photos app.

Then, on your iOS or Android device, install the OneDrive app. You can download the latest version from your phone's Android or iOS app store.

From the OneDrive app on your iOS or Android device, turn on Camera Upload in the OneDrive app’s settings. The latest photos and videos that you take will automatically start uploading to OneDrive.

Once uploaded to OneDrive, those photos and videos will automatically appear in the Photos app on your PC if you have OneDrive connected to your Photos app.  For more information, see Sync files with OneDrive in Windows.






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